Monday, August 19, 2013

The weekend that was....

This last weekend was C-R-A-Z-Y busy!!!! But a good kind of crazy.  I knew it was coming...and I prepared my husband for it.  But as I finally sat down to draft out and break down all the to-do's I needed to tackle, I began to worried ... just a little bit.

I had 2 wedding cakes to do this weekend, plus 2 party cakes...and a vegan cupcake order -- remember...none of my cakes are 'just' cakes -- they are all intricately designed and decorated!

Not much?  It is a lot ...considering I still had to do laundry, vacuum, take the kids to piano class, play with them (yes, it's summer vacation remember?), get food, etc......

So ... after I broke down my tasks, finalized the designs, went through my inventory before heading to the stores to restock, hand made enough sugar roses over the span of days, baked all the cakes, whipped all the creams, cooked all the fudge, I felt ready to face the weekend.

And I admit, by Saturday night I was exhausted.  My feet was sore.  My back hurt.  I was yearning for bed time.  I did have a moment I almost broke down (Oh the drama!) -- but then again, just at the right time, my husband steps in to 'check on me'.  Gives me a little pep talk, a small hug, a rub in the back.

And then I remembered the PEOPLE behind these cakes - "this is why you are doing this, Sandy" - I remind myself.

The hug, pep talk, and reminder (and a quick 30 minute snooze) were enough to get me back on track....and onwards I pressed on.

Once the cakes were done, I needed to face one last hurdle - the delivery and set up.  I had to go through everything I would need, pack them and take them with me.  Think about how I would put the cakes in the car, which way to go in and out of the banquet hall...but I have to admit, of all of these things, my biggest fear?  You have seen it in TV biggest fear is that the cake would fall during transportation...or even crack or get smudge!

Thankfully - nothing happened.

By the end of each delivery I could feel my heart pumping and needing to, quite literally, force myself to sit down and calm down.

But it was done....and done well.

And the biggest sense of satisfaction?  When I learned one of the couples told one of their guests the cake was EXACTLY what they had envisioned.

And as I was cleaning up tonight - storing the cutters into their drawers, the cake boards on my shelves, the spatulas on my kitchen counter....I said a little thanksgiving prayer for the 2 girls who celebrated their 2nd birthdays today, and the two couples who were united as one this weekend.  I thanked God for putting these people in my life, and to have the ability to BE a blessing to them through the blessing God has given to me to make these cakes.

By the end of the weekend, I found myself with leftovers...and for the first time in a long time, I made myself a cup of "JOY" Starbucks tea someone had given to me years ago...poured it onto a mug a friend gave me last birthday, and cut myself a piece of cake.

Life is good ... and God does fill my life with good cake! ...(I mean...good THINGS) :D


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